Some users propose that the latter scenario has resulted in shorter lifespans for their solid-state drives. The article is titled "Denuvo wants to convince you its DRM isn't evil," which sums up a lot of the public perception regarding Denuvo technologies-having received plenty of flak for high CPU usage and causing excessive activity within storage components. According to Ars Technica neither of these organizations have made great efforts (in the past) to engage in discussion about the controversial anti-piracy and anti-cheat suites-but Steeve Huin, Irdeto's Chief Operating Officer of Video Games-agreed to grant the publication an exclusive interview.
Irdeto is the current owner of Denuvo Software Solutions-the Austrian development team behind the infamous anti-tamper technology and digital rights management (DRM) system. Some of our recent motherboard reviews should give you a good idea of our review format, article structure, and the testing involved. Our performance testing involves not just the CPU performance on a given motherboard, but also that of certain onboard devices, such as audio, and those of storage interfaces. You also need a solid grasp on memory timings, and tuning for a given platform, and the willingness to explore and learn. We expect our potential motherboard reviewer to be able to identify key components of the motherboard, the various controllers, VRM, PHYs, and chipset the expansion slot layout and the way PCIe lanes are distributed across the motherboard and other important aspects, such as the motherboard's own cooling mechanisms. The motherboard reviewer job requires a high level understanding of the layout and workings of modern motherboards, including detailed technical photography of its various onboard devices, VRM, memory, commentary on layout and ease-of-installation/use, as well as performance benchmarks, and overclocking capabilities.

Our current reviewer, ir_cow, is going to focus on DRAM module reviews exclusively.
TechPowerUp, your place on the web for in-depth PC hardware reviews and enthusiast news, is looking for a desktop motherboard reviewer.